Mark Legan
Mark Legan
Producers (Farmer)Mark Legan is a hog farmer from Coatesville, Ind., and serves on both NPPC and Indiana Pork Producers Association Board of Directors. Mark, along with his wife Phyllis and their daughter Beth, operates Legan Livestock and Grain, Inc. with a sow breed-to-wean enterprise. They also grow corn and soybeans and raise horses on 1,000 acres.
Mark, active in animal welfare, trade and environmental areas, sees the greatest challenges to our industry to be profitability, animal welfare, environment, structure and leadership. He serves on the NPPC Budget Committee, Competitive Markets Policy Committee and the Farm Bill Policy Taskforce. Mark is a member and past president of both the Putnam County and Indiana Pork Producers Associations, and is also a member of the Indiana Horse Council.
Mark holds a master’s degree from Purdue University where he serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council, is a member of the 8th Congressional District Ag Advisory Committee, IDEM Water Pollution Control Board, and a former member of the Chicago Federal Reserve Advisory Committee. He is a member of Bethel Baptist Church where he serves as treasurer and deacon.