Strategic Investment Program
The Strategic Investment Program
The Strategic Investment Program is the primary source of NPPC funds to strengthen our mission at home and abroad. Pork producers voluntarily invest a percentage of the sales of each hog sold.
Funds collected are split with the state associations – 60% to NPPC, 40% to the states. These unrestricted funds enable state pork organization to respond to threats on a state and local level.
These funds help us speak on your behalf to legislators and regulators. As an investor, you’ll have a voice in the collaborative effort that establishes NPPC policy if you choose to participate.

SIP is voluntary, and is not related to the mandatory checkoff
Mandatory checkoff dollars cannot be used for public policy or lobbying; however, Strategic Investment Program funds are unrestricted. Trade, regulations, legislation—SIP dollars can be used to help NPPC staff advocate for you at the state and national levels.
Contact us to invest or for more information
Email us at or call 515-278-8012 to get in touch with a field staff representative.