Many flag poles with flags of many countries flying in a clear blue sky


The World Should be Your Market

Producing the safest and the most wholesome and nutritious pork products found anywhere on the planet does not mean the U.S. pork industry automatically gets access to all the world’s markets. That takes hard work and often involves overcoming significant foreign tariff and non-tariff barriers. The key to keeping U.S. pork exports flowing is free trade agreements (FTAs), which can eliminate such obstacles.


U.S. pork is shipped to more than 100 countries, and those exports add significantly to the bottom line of each pork producer. Opening new and expanding existing markets for U.S. pork exports through FTAs is vital to the industry’s continued success.

Economic Contribution of Trade


total value of pork exports


countries U.S. pork was exported to


value from each hog marketed

International Trade Priorities

To grow exports and support high paying jobs in rural communities, the United States must open new and expand existing markets through trade agreements, trade and investment framework agreements, and market access deals. Maintaining an active trade agenda will support America’s pork producers and the U.S. economy.

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International Trade – Market Access

NPPC supports trade agreements and other trade initiatives that open new and expand existing export markets and eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers to U.S. pork exports.

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