Producers walking to the Capitol.

Fall Legislative Action Conference

Watch Our LAC Video

September 11–12, 2024

The NPPC Fall 2024 Legislative Action Conference (LAC) will bring more than 100 pork producers to Washington, DC to advocate directly with congressional offices. The biannual fly-in event is an important opportunity for NPPC members to advance various issues of importance to the U.S. pork industry and for policymakers to learn about the many benefits our industry provides in their districts and throughout the country.

The Pork Industry

About NPPC

NPPC advocates for the social, environmental, and economic sustainability of U.S. pork producers and their partners by supporting reasonable public policies that expand access to global operations and don’t unnecessarily restrict operations.

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Myth vs. Fact

Most Americans have never been on a farm, so it is easy to understand why opinions on pork production may be based on outdated or inaccurate information. By understanding a few basic facts, more people will appreciate the important role pork production plays in providing consumers with healthy and affordable food.

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Economic Contribution of the U.S. Pork Industry


pork industry jobs


total pork producers


total value of pork exports in 2023


added to the GDP

See All Data Nationally and by State

Fall LAC Congressional Policy Priorities

  • NPPC advocates for a farm bill that addresses the challenges and chaos posed by laws like Prop. 12, fully funds the programs that safeguard the nation’s food supply against threats posed by foreign animal diseases, as well as key programs that expand foreign markets for U.S. ag products.


    Contacts: Chase Adams and Matt Grill

  • GSP is the largest and oldest U.S. trade preference program, promoting economic development by eliminating duties on thousands of products imported from any of 119 designated beneficiary countries and territories. GSP is also an important enforcement tool used by U.S. trade negotiators to address market access concerns if GSP-eligible countries do not meet their eligibility criteria.


    Contact: Maria C. Zieba

  • The H-2A visa program allows a very limited number of foreign workers entry into the U.S. for seasonal agricultural work. The seasonal workers permitted under the program do not come close to meeting the pork industry’s need for year-round workers, especially with the decline in rural working age populations. Congress must provide access to the H-2A program for year-round industries.


    Contact: Christina Banoub

  • NPPC advocates for the full enforcement of the Packers and Stockyards Act to guarantee fair markets and competitive opportunities for all producers. We believe that producers, regardless of their size or production system, should have access to the market and the freedom to enter into agreements of their choice. NPPC opposes any legislation or regulations that limit marketing opportunities unless they specifically address clear instances of market failure or abuse of market power. Additionally, we support measures to defund the promulgation, implementation, and enforcement of the current proposed rulemakings.


    Contact: Christina Banoub

NPPC Contacts

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Hotel and Travel

Lauren Swanson

icon of Washington, DC Capitol building
LAC Meeting Schedule

Cody McKinley and

Steph Carlson

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Annemarie Pender